Why Choose Discover Family Dental?
Your oral health is important, but at our private family practice, it is only one of the many aspects we consider when caring for you. Your overall wellbeing, your comfort (really), and your entire dental experience are carefully thought out. So not only do you get better-looking and better-functioning teeth, but you will also you will also have a lifelong source of dental care in Blackfoot, Idaho. See below for more reasons as to why we’re different.
Can You See What We See?
With our investment in the latest cavity detection technology, you can truly see what we see. At Discover Family Dental, we have low-radiation digital X-rays, intraoral cameras, and DEXIS CariVu™ cavity detection equipment, allowing us to see decay earlier than ever before. To treat your smile with the most advanced care, Dr. Tracy Jenkins, his team, and you can take a look at your dental condition together.
Discover “Brilliant” Light-Touch Fillings!
Our dentist, Dr. Tracy Jenkins, can use a water laser, the WaterLase MD™, to gently remove any dental caries. Often, this can be done without a shot, increasing your comfort and eliminating any dental anxiety. Call our office today to schedule a visit for light-touch fillings today!